Bite Sized Books - Part 2

Several months ago, I wrote an article for the website called Bite Sized Books; you can read that blog post here. A recent conversation with a friend inspired me to write Part 2. Thank you Jess ; )

She and I were talking about how she has a hard time finishing books. She starts, life happens, and the book sits, mostly unread. As the conversation continued, I realized she might be someone who needs bite sized books. Short but sweet, they provide a solution to individuals that are interested in reading, but don’t have time to take on big books.

Many authors recognize the need to provide literary options for those of us that are juggling a lot and need books that can be read in one sitting and without the pressure of finding a long stretch of hours set aside for the task. Here are just some of the options for those of you interested in trying out a bite sized book:

Commencement speeches - literally a written version of speeches that have been given at college graduation ceremonies. Wonderful words of inspiration not only for those moving onto adult life, but those of us already there and still on a journey of discovery.

Examples: Wolfpack, Abby Wambach, Make Your Bed, William McRaven, and Make Trouble, John Waters

Children’s books - obviously short by design, some have a message for adults as well as children.

Example: The Little Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. This one is a classic, so you can easily pick it up at any local bookstore, such as indie’s in the area where I live: A Likely Story, Rudolph Girls, and The Last Word.

Ted Talk Books - you are likely familiar with Ted Talks, but you may not be aware of the books that have been published as a result of popular speeches in that series. One I really like is Beyond Measure, Margaret Heffernan. You can find the whole list of these books here.

So if you are like my friend Jess, one of these approaches might be a great way for you to make time (just a little bit) for reading.


Good Reading in Little Packages


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