Bite Sized Books

One of the things that will likely come up repeatedly in our podcast episodes and website blogs is how differently Ted and I approach reading and writing. One way in which we are different, is that Ted tackles big books and finishes pretty much all of them. I do not. I am much more likely to have several books on my nightstand at the same time, some that I only read or skim a few chapters of, and often in a category I refer to as bite sized books.

These bite sized books are a great option for those of you that are interested in reading, but have limited time, a limited attention span, or what feels like too many literary interests to decide what to read next. These quick reads, often thin on page count or light on words, can sometimes provide just enough content to make you smile, think, or adjust your mindset for the day ahead, without requiring a big commitment of time.

One of my favorite little books is Anne Morrow Lindbergh's Gift from the Sea. At just 144 pages and only slightly larger than my hand, it is a lovely little gem with powerful sentiments. I have read it multiple times and will continue to do so in the years to come. It is beautifully written as one person's account of what it is like to be a woman, mother, and wife through life’s seasons. I believe her singular journey and love for life near the water will likely resonate with others that way it has with me. I am grateful to have found it not only as a reference and reminder of some important life lessons but also as a source of inspiration for my writing.

If you have a favorite bite sized book, we would love to hear about it at


Reading on a Budget


Do You Always Finish the Book?