Great Gifts: The Adventures of Teddy Ruxpin

Ted and I have already written in this blog and talked on the podcast about my sweet spot for children’s books. Today I woke up with a wonderful memory of a childhood gift involving reading that I had forgotten about until now.

Many years ago, one of my siblings received a unique gift for Christmas. It was a stuffed animal, a teddy bear. But this was no ordinary stuffed animal. This teddy bear talked. And better yet, he read books! There was a spot on his back that held a cassette tape; yes, I know, definitely showing my age by writing this. Oh well. It’s just a number.

Anyway, the bear, Teddy Ruxpin, came with books and cassette tapes. When the tape was placed in the cassette player in his back, his eyes and mouth would move, as he ‘read’ the story aloud. It was awesome. Teddy repeatedly read those books to us until the batteries were completely worn down.

Anyone else remember The Adventures of Teddy Ruxpin? Do you recall any fantastic gifts that helped to inspire your love of reading? Tell us about it at


Good Books and Cute Babies


Ted’s Tribute to Ukazoo Books