Fairy Tales
I‘ve not been a Stephen King fan. That’s not to say that I don’t like his books just that I’ve never read much of his stuff. I enjoyed his book on writing, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft, very much, but the only novel of his that I’ve read was The Shining.
I read his newest book, Fairy Tale, because I am a fan of fairy tales and fairy tale retellings. I was not disappointed.
King’s love of words comes through. If you are the kind of reader who wants to know words, King offers up some good stuff.
King takes a lot of well-known fairy tale ideas and weaves them into a new story, a new way of looking at things.
This is a compelling story with lots of references to books you might know. If not, maybe books you should get to know.
Share your favorite fairy tale, fairy tale retelling, or Stephen King book with us at twosides2thestory@yahoo.com.