Finishing no matter what
Lory and I have talked about finishing books…or not.
Lory often chooses not to finish books. Her not finishing isn’t necessarily a comment on the book. She samples and tastes books. My inclination is to finish what I start.
This is an idea I’ve been giving more thought to and thinking about it has led me to choose to not finish a couple of books. Intellectually, it feels right, but in my gut, I still struggle.
Recently, I had an interesting time with a book my son bought me. He’s pretty good at picking books I’m going to want to read. On the surface, this one looked good. It was Arthurian legend. I like that. It was an interesting idea; what happens in Camelot after Arthur dies? A solid pick.
But, the book is terrible. Really bad. I read the whole thing because it was a present, but it was one I could have set aside with no feelings of regret.
I’m not going to name it. I would rather promote books I like that trash books I don’t like. This brings us back to the question – does it make sense to read a book you aren’t enjoying? I still struggle with it, but I am moving toward the camp that says if you aren’t enjoying it, move on to something you will enjoy.
I find myself more and more driven by the question – If you are reading the last book you are ever going to read, is this the book?
Sad to think, but we are all going to have a last book.
Lory and I would be interested to hear – If you knew you were reading your last book, what it be? Would you reread a favorite? Get in the book you always meant to read but never got to? Read something new?
Let us know what you think at