A Reading Place

Lory and I went to the Cecil County Public Library’s Children’s Book Festival. Read about the Festival here. https://www.cecilcountylibrary.org/events/book-festival We had company. Also on the trip were our friends from Carroll County Public Library, Executive Director, Andrea Berstler, and Director of Communications, Lisa Picker. Listeners have heard us talk of Lisa more than once.

More about this trip on an upcoming podcast episode, but for today I want to mention one specific thing from our visit.

The Festival was at the North East Branch, a wonderful new addition to the Cecil County Public Library. Check it out here. https://www.cecilcountylibrary.org/about/hours-locations/north-east

There was a lot to like, but my favorite thing was a second floor porch/deck that looks out over the library lawn and waterfall. What a great reading spot! It is a quiet spot with a nice breeze and big rocking chairs. Definitely a place for me if it wasn’t an hour and a half away. If you are closer, I highly recommend it.


Book Festivals

